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Zombie Plague Mod 4.3 (Uploaded Fix 5a)
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 05.11.2011, 09:37
Версия: 4.3 Fix 5

Список изменений:
- Version: 4.3 Fix 5a (Jul 04, 2011)
* Fixed menus causing runtime errors
* Fixed API to be compatible with some subplugins (e.g. ammo pack bank)

- Version: 4.3 Fix 5 (Jul 03, 2011)
* Added support for MP3 win sounds
* Added CVAR to reward zombies ammo packs for damaging humans/survivor (zp_zombie_damage_reward )
* Added CVAR to enable/disable ZP custom HUD display (zp_hud_display )
* Added zp_zombie_painfree setting (only affect first zombie)
* Updated method to change player's maxspeed using HamSandwich for better compatibility
* Fixed new menus not remembering the page you were in last time it was opened
* Fixed player models with modelT.mdl files not precached automatically
* Fixed team scores not getting reset after Game Commencing event
* API: Added native to retrieve description/information of a given zombie class
* API: Added runtime error support (now you can check logs and see which subplugin is causing the error)

- Version: 4.3 Fix 4 (Jun 24, 2011)
* Fixed custom model for survivor's weapon not working when changing zp_surv_weapon cvar
* Fixed zombies/survivor using CS buyzones when money is enabled exploit
* Fixed zombies not respawning on survivor rounds if zp_surv_allow_respawn enabled and zp_respawn_after_last_human set to 0
* Fixed settings zp_respawn_after_last_human 0 and zp_deatmatch 4 (balanced respawn) sometimes not working properly
* Fixed zp_respawn_on_worldspawn_kill not working at all on certain rounds

- Version: 4.3 Fix 3 (Jun 20, 2011)
* CVAR zp_human_speed can now be set to 0 to make humans use CS default weapon speeds
* Fixed 3rd party plugins unable to change player's maxspeed
* Fixed frost grenades not saving player's custom gravity/maxspeed, which would mess up some subplugins like parachute, etc.
* Implemented better method to change player's maxspeed using HamSandwich (found by joaquimandrade, thanks to PoSiTiOn Of PoWeR for pointing this out)
* API: Added native to replace ZP player models (zp_override_user_model)

- Version: 4.3 Fix 2 (Jun 19, 2011)
* Allow humans to use CS buyzones easily if money is enabled and random spawning is on
* Fixed double flashlight exploit
* Fixed flares lighting issues
* Fixed humans unable to use nightvision after buying it with money
* Fixed menus triggering radio commands when pressing next/back, menus closing automatically when walking out of buyzones
* Fixed "[CS] Invalid Player" errors when player disconnects after throwing an infection bomb
* Fixed nightvision not properly removed if zp_nvg_custom is 0 and player turns into human/survivor when his nightvision is turned on
* Fixed rare runtime error 4: index out of bounds (spec_nvision task)

- Version: 4.3 Fix 1 (Jun 12, 2011)
* Fixed server crashes during mapchange and some potential crashes due to accessing uninitialized entity's private data
* Fixed player's armor not properly removed when it gets to 0
* Fixed p_knife model accidentally removed when cvar zp_admin_knife_models_human is enabled
* Fixed settings for ignoring nemesis/survivor frags and rewarding frags/ammo packs when deathmatch is enabled
* Fixed console commands zp_swarm, zp_multi and zp_plague expecting a parameter, even though it's not required to start those modes
* Fixed spectator nightvision using incorrect colors if you die when zombie madness is enabled

Все функции админа и настройки на русском.
Категория: Моды для CS 1.6 | Добавил: Dima
Просмотров: 1519 | Загрузок: 282 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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